About us
We are unconventional business lawyers.
We understand that business people want practical commercial solutions.
We are on your team with one dedicated focus: bringing value.
Hope we don’t have to explain that one
Not rocket scientists, we just understand business
You know your business, we know how to accelerate it
Our team

Glen Brown
Lawyer | Founder
Glen founded i3legal in 2012 with the mission to help entrepreneurs grow strong businesses. Based in Montreal, Glen provides general counsel services to emerging and mid-sized enterprises. He brings business understanding as well as expertise in corporate and commercial law, governance, banking and financing, and employment law. Glen also has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions including management buy-outs, financings and technology transfers.
Before launching i3legal, Glen was a partner at an established Montreal business law firm. Previously, he held dual role executive positions as General Counsel and Vice President of Human Resources at CryoCath Technologies (a former TSX 300 company and now Medtronic CryoCath LP) and at Future Electronics. With over 25 years’ experience building strong relationships, management teams and boards, Glen brings a trusted team of expert resources focused on accelerating client businesses.
Glen earned a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Queen’s University following graduate studies in government regulation of business and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Philosophy from Mount Allison University (First Honours).
Bar Admissions: Québec 1993, British Columbia 1989.
Meghan Jones
Meghan’s interest in corporate and commercial law, banking and financing have led her from a strong litigation background to i3legal and its mission. She has worked on many financings and acquisitions of all sizes from $100,000 to $100 million. Meghan works in collaboration with the i3legal team and other professionals to ensure that the client’s best interests always come first.
Before joining i3legal, Meghan practiced civil litigation and general corporate law. She started her career in a boutique construction law firm and transitioned to another mid-size Montreal firm practicing commercial and construction litigation. She uses her hands-on experience and excellent judgment to guide entrepreneurs in the growth of their businesses. Her litigation background enhances her ability to identify pragmatic solutions and reduce risk as she counsels i3legal clients.
Meghan earned a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in Civil Law from the University of Sherbrooke, as well as a Juris Doctor (J.D.) in Common Law from Queen’s University.
Bar Admissions: Québec 2008, Ontario 2010.

Michael Pesner
Special Advisor
Michael is President of Hermitage Canada Finance, a company that specializes in financial advisory, M&A and financing services to corporations. He is a key advisor contributing financing strategies and sourcing for i3 legal client businesses. Previously, Michael served 26 years as partner at KPMG Canada and predecessor firms.
Michael has extensive corporate governance experience. He serves and has served as a board member and chair of audit and governance committees for several companies in tech (Smart Employee Benefits), mining (Wallbridge, Richmont Mines), retail (SAQ, Le Château, well.ca, DAVIDsTEA), medical cannabis (Weed MD) and finance (Fonds régional FTQ Montréal, Peak Positioning Technologies, KPMG). Michael is a founder and board member of the Montreal M&A Club. Les Affaires recognized him among the top ten corporate directors in Québec.
Michael is a Chartered Professional Accountant. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Finance and Administration) from McGill University and a Bachelor of Arts from Concordia University.
George Harrison
Senior Pawtner
George is the newest addition to the i3 legal team. He has survived a storied past, having been rescued once in Stanstead, Quebec and a second time in the Golden Mile of Montreal. Though never admitted to McGill University, he enjoys walks in their green spaces. George interacts well with most creatures except squirrels, raccoons and German Shepherds for some reason.
George brings a soulful calm to what would otherwise be the dog-eat-dog world of business law. When called upon, George can sink his teeth into a file…like a dog on a bone.
George is available by appointment only though walk-ins have been known to find him at Percy Walters dog park.